Scam parking charge notice text messages going about. Had 3 today.

Some poor sod is going to end up falling for this so might want to tell your elderly/daft relatives.

by 12thirteen14fifteen

  1. You can tell them never to go open a link they receive in a text until you’re blue in the face, they’re still going to do it.

  2. I’ve been getting these but not parking. It’s been your delivery is due or some shit 

  3. If you’re using an android phone, ensure you’re using the official google messages app — it filters these messages most of the time into a SPAM folder.

    If you’re using an iPhone…well… good luck

  4. It is worth reporting these as Spam, either in the Messages app or by forwarding the text to 7726. The reports are read by people and they do work to take domains / sites down. This one is impersonating a GovUk service too.

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