Stephen Flynn MP: Just watched a Labour MP do a double fist pump as the vote to remove the winter fuel payment from pensioners was passed by Parliament.

Stephen Flynn MP: Just watched a Labour MP do a double fist pump as the vote to remove the winter fuel payment from pensioners was passed by Parliament.

by cenuij

  1. It is funny to watch Flynn struggle for relevancy after knifing Blackford, you led a coup to assume control of the 3rd largest Westminster grouping and now you’re in charge of fewer than 10 MPs and making up stories for retweets.

  2. Remember when the tories cheered for cutting something to vulnerable people years ago and they all cheered. It became a meme too I believe. That was all recorded on camera all that frog like bellows of celebration at yet another win for them whereas this is hear say from an opposition party 🤔

  3. I suppose there is a reason why he says “a Labour MP” instead of “Sir Boderick Felcher”.

  4. And? Pensioners have been protected for 14 years by voting for the Tories while young people have been repeatedly shafted.

    About time. Triple lock next.

  5. Bros out of touch. Fuck the rich old folk. The ones who actually need it will be able to qualify for it. No poor old grannies are being harmed by this. It’s old Tory hoarders who can afford it.

  6. He’s delulu and thinks we have endless cash for non-means tested benefits.

    Except would rather tax people earning over £42K than businesses…

  7. Of course the SNP also cut it in Scotland.

    Whenever their budget passes they will also be pleased.

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