Vovchansk, Ukraine, before & after russia arrived to “liberate” it

Vovchansk, Ukraine, before & after russia arrived to “liberate” it

by Exotic-Strawberry667

  1. This is what the russians are. This is the russians. Not the Putin and his cronnies. It is the everyday russians who are doing these things. Which most of them signed a contract for money to explicitly go to another country to murder and pillage. Putin my ass. These are the russians. This what ruZZia leaves behind everywhere they go thruout the history. Despicable.

  2. Those cockroaches like things this way.

    What a useless group of people they are. Absolutely lunatics.

  3. With friends like Russia, who needs enemies? Maybe it’s time to start remodeling Moscow.

  4. Shame, shame, shame

    Russia will bear the burden of what they done for decades to come,

    Never forget what they have done.

  5. They are nothing more than violent squatters. The only thing they “liberate” is land for themselves. Land which they will do nothing with except to boast how expanse their nation is stealing from neighbors. Anyone caught by them is treated worse than their own sewage and either murdered or displaced to the Russian interior to never be seen again. The Russian nation has become the ruthless raiders of modern times.

  6. Some people are acting like Russia would be the only country to do this, when in fact most countries would turn it to this as well in a war. USA has done this the most and there are multiple examples where they propagated a fake reason to invade.

  7. Even when they get to rebuild, all those building are going to have to be knocked down because they won’t be safe enough to work on. Sad to see a lot of history go out like this.

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