Ireland to Decide How to Use €13 Billion It Said It Didn’t Want

Ireland to Decide How to Use €13 Billion It Said It Didn’t Want

by TheGreatestOrator

  1. I’ll take 0.1% of that. Nobody will miss it and it will help a whoooole lot. I’ll even donate anything leftover to charities in my local community.

  2. Maybe, for once in their existence, they could do what every other self respecting european democracy does… invest in defence.

    Would be nice if they stopped freeloading off the evil English who they despise so much

  3. For a country like Ireland, which had a GDP of around $520 billion USD in 2022, $13 billion USD is a significant amount of money. It represents roughly 2.5% of Ireland’s total annual GDP.

    To put it into perspective, $13 billion could fund a substantial portion of public services, infrastructure projects, or social programs. For example, it could cover more than the total health expenditure of Ireland for a year or be used to make meaningful investments in housing, education, or other public sectors.

    In summary, while $13 billion is a small fraction of a large economy like Ireland’s, it is still a considerable sum that could have a major impact on specific sectors or initiatives.

    gpt answer to : How much money is 13 billion dollars for a country like Ireland?

  4. Defence, Ireland could actually get a small air force, a couple of frigates and still have plenty of change. So that they can stop freeloading on the rest of Europe and NATO.

  5. Are you allowed to change the headlines to mean something different in this sub? Seems dishonest.

  6. Small business owner here. 20k. 20k is all I need to pay off my debt and bills and get a new used car. Good for me, good for the economy.

  7. If after this I see another EU corruption ranking with Ireland being one of the less corrupt countries, at least I’ll know I’m looking at propaganda.

  8. Ireland already has a large budget surplus. We’ve had very big budgets the last few years. You put this all in the economy once your going to cause inflation while not improving much.

    Which leaves the only realistic options as investing in some sort of fund, be it for housing, pension, or infrastructure. You could also pay down debt but that would be kind of pointless since we have one of the lowest burdens in Europe relative to our economy, and fast growths reducing it anyway.

  9. First step should be to house the refugees properly and provide them with security, they’re currently in temporary accommodation and are attacked by racists on a daily basis.

  10. In an increasingly globalized world, taxation based on where a company is registered or where an individual has tax residency will not work. All the capital will flock to small, low tax jurisdictions. Even if capital doesn’t actively move (which it is), just through tax free compounding the low tax jurisdictions will accumulate all the capital.

  11. They can buy an English football club, move it to Dublin and fund it like no tomorrow until they win the UEFA Champions League.

  12. it’s actually like €14.3bn now due to interest earned while in an escrow account all these years

  13. How about pay the EU for all of the services and the business we’ve given you over the years?

  14. Ireland doesn’t actually get to keep it all. Only the tax from profits made from sales in Ireland.

  15. The population of ireland is almost 5.5 million. They could give each person 1 billion euros and still have 2 billion euros left. Why aren’t more people talking about this?

  16. Maybe give to NATO instead of free riding?

    The time has come for our Irish friends to contribute to the cost of keeping Europe safe and free.

  17. Use the 13 Bio. to as a 30% down payment for new apartments to be built. That will give you a loan of 43 Bio € which can be used to build 172 000 apartments for 250k € each. These can house 344 000 people!

    We will use the rent to pay off the loan over 30 years.

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