Copenhagen Is Likely To Bid For The 2036 Olympics

Copenhagen Explores A Potential Bid for 2036 Olympics

Posted by Virtual-Athlete8935

  1. I’m selfish…I want it in Europe. I’m looking at the next few and they will be happening when I’m asleep, so we will be seeing the moments on delay and second hand.

    Copenhagen and (if I remember) Budapest would suit me over Indonesia or whoever else has considered one

  2. There are a lot of people here in Denmark who are against it so it will likely be turned down before there will be any serious bid. But personally I think it would be great not least because it is really “un-Danish” to have such ambitions.

    Also our new king was an IOC member for several years as Crown Prince, so I wonder if he has something to do with the bid behind the scenes.

  3. At one side the Olympia city need a lot of support. Hotels, places to build something new… money…

    On the other side…

    1) Take a globe, paint on it time zones and population. In LA it’s 9:30 AM at the moment (6:30 PM local time). Who can see Olympia?

    2) Look at Great Britain. Place 3 medal ranking (overall medals 65). I assume some medals are the result of London. Olympia develops the sport in the Olympia country.

    3) Money… I am sure we will see a lot of money in LA. I don’t think this is the right way.

    I come from Germany and Copenhagen would be nice, yes, but on the other side, there are reasons for other countries too.

  4. Zero chance for it to happen I believe. Danemark and the IOC would never work it out. And danish would never agree to spend 10 Bn€ in such lavish projects

  5. Ahmedabad in Gujarat is the frontrunner. It has a rich legacy is sports which can’t be matched by Copenhagen. They are wasting time and resources if they go ahead with the bid.

  6. I would love it if hosted an event like this, but i seriously doubt it’s gonna happen. We would have to build a track and field stadium for it. And that’s just the beginning of it.

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