Because that make sense /s

Because that make sense /s

Posted by bountyhunterfromhell

  1. Sunk cost fallacy! She better be perfect in every way or else I’m voting for the totally unfit to serve guy with no plans.

  2. But guys, Haitians are totally eating pets, and I know we were wrong about the litter boxes and the migrant caravans and the FEMA camps and millions of illegals being bussed in to vote and chines bamboo voter cards and The Kraken and post-birth abortions and school provided gender surgeries and birtherism and vaccine denial, but *this* time we’re right and it’s *not* the hundreds of media personalities taking money from Russia, to stir up racial hatred in exactly the way they operate!

    And somehow that means we should vote for Trump; maybe he’s planning a wall around Haiti or something IDK.

  3. She’s a black woman. Her bar is near space. Trump’s in the mean time is below the 9th circle of hell.

  4. Nobody is saying what the meme is depicting. Literally no one. You can support Harris *and* want her to be a good politician, prepared with potential policies and plans. This is not a crazy ask.

    What’s crazy is trying to sow derision amongst democrats, equating people who are interested in their candidates policies with Trump supporters.

  5. You joke but this literally happened in Maine.

    Our power company is reviled. They’re truely terrible and *everyone* hates them.

    So it was put on the ballot for the state to buy them out and create a customer owned system. It was rejected by a huge margin. And the entire reason was “they don’t have a plan”.

    Undecided voters are, and I cannot stress this enough, fucking stupid.

  6. That’s just the excuse they give because secretly they don’t want to vote for a democrat/woman/non-white etc etc etc

    They wouldn’t know an economic policy if it was waving at them sat on the sexy looking couch.

  7. You’d better give me a damn good plan for solving this or I’m gonna shoot off my dick! I mean it better be pretty good. For real though, I already bought the bullets… Imma just shoot off my dick.

  8. Here’s another great example of racism hidden inside of intellectualism:

    “Obama was a failure. As the first black President he had so many advantages and he threw them all away. He should have done more. In fact, he didn’t accomplish anything; except for by decree.” – *a family member of mine…*

  9. Speaking as a centrist, it might help if things if y’all just stopped screaming THAT Trump is a fascist like you have for every single republican candidate for the last thirty years now and started, say, linking to rationalwiki’s list of the common elements of fascism and demonstrating HOW trump actually checks each box.

  10. Or even worse:

    “She’s not giving 100% what I want for Palestine, so I’m not going to vote at all and risk throwing the election to the guy who wants Palestine glassed, gay and transfolk to be legislated out of existence, and reproductive rights shitcanned.”

  11. As long as the roll out the boys bathroom tampon program nationally they have my vote! Really though…she is not a serious candidate and should not be taken serious!

  12. She could say she wants us to go back to bartering with squirrel pelts and animal teeth and I’d vote for her.

  13. Some people be like:

    48 million people voted for Harris and 45 million voted for Trump

    But I’m going after the people who refused to give Kamala 1 vote, instead of Kamala for not even trying to get it.

  14. “She didn’t smile enough. She’s just a bitch”.

    “She smiled too much. I just don’t think she’s a serious candidate”.

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