Trump’s Campaign Hits a New Low with Grotesque Fear-Mongering and Racism Ahead of Presidential Debate

Trump’s Campaign Hits a New Low with Grotesque Fear-Mongering and Racism Ahead of Presidential Debate

Trump’s Campaign Hits a New Low with Grotesque Fear-Mongering and Racism Ahead of Presidential Debate

Posted by inewser

  1. “New low.”

    Is it though?

    Just, again, for the media members who have to feign shock because they feel compelled to treat this man with the thinnest veil of respectability, this man has been a confirmed racist since the Nixon administration. Any action short of him wearing a white hood, putting up a “whites only” sign above a drinking fountain or participating in a lynching is still the same low that he’s always been.

  2. Declaration brings out the worst in people. We have arrived at that point with two more months to go before election day. Expect more and expect worse!!!! WEIRD is the word of the day. Oh, let’s not forget dumb, sexist… “Fill in the blank with the worst words you can think of because they all fit this party of idiots. A real laughing stock!!!!!

  3. Just look at the online demeanor of the people who support him – racists, fascists, misogynists – it’s the tail wagging the dog at this point. He’ll say and try anything if it coalesces in some form of support that helps him avoid prison.

  4. We all know its always been about racism, first Obama a black man as President then running against Kamala Harris a black woman.

  5. I can’t wait for Kamala to destroy trump in the debate. She is intellectually superior to trump i. Every way possible. It is going to be an honor to watch her and to vote for her! Here’s to the first black female president!
    She will make history and rewrite history all at the same time. No more racist trumpers!!!!!

  6. No matter how low the bar is set, trump will find a way under. The goal should be to set the bar so high he has no hope of getting over.

  7. I love that the Springfield PD ran a press release that no such thing is happening. In spite of that, no retractions have been made. In essence “I know this is bullshit but I’m still going to not only embrace its warmth, but smear it all over myself as both shield and badge of honor.”

    Edit to add more: If said bullshit is brought up at tonight’s presidential candidate talking over each other and not answering direct questions event, pointing out the press release is all that needs to be said.

  8. That face literally makes me want to projectile vomit. I absolutely loathe him with the fury of a billion white hot suns……

  9. I am so sick of the hate towards immigrants and racism in this country. It’s disgraceful already.

  10. All of the grotesque racism, bigotry, and ethical affronts have always been coming from everyone against him .

    Show me a Racist person who dated a person from another race for over three years .
    I guess it warrants mentioning they must also currently be married to a person outside of their race as well . As Melania is ethnically Slavic .

    Just watch how people at a Biden rally or Harris rally treat a Trump supporter and then watch how Harris supporter is treated at a Trump rally and you tell me where all the hatred is coming from .

    I can only assume that the people posting this kind of garbage is of the like .

    The sooner you wake up the better . The old adage of repeat it until it sticks has worn off. People are waking up, come join us .

  11. After listening to Cotton on Meet The Press, everything that will be said is a complete lie or grotesque exaggeration. The word incompetent associated with the Biden administration seems to be the central theme to the Republican Platform. It is better suited to the Trump Presidency but will develop into an argument about the past which seems to be the only thing Republicans want to talk about. The Withdrawal from Afghanistan has many fingerprints on it but releasing 5000 Talibon prisoners was agreed to by Trump in his perfect negotiations for our withdrawal from Afghanistan. Those 5000 prisoners were the leadership that made the Talibon more than a scattered threat to the Afghans. They would never have been able to threaten our departure without their leaders once again making them a cohesive force. The very notion that a suicide bomber could have been prevented and can be blamed on Biden is pure stupidity, ignorance and arrogance. This is what they want to talk about, so let’s talk about it and make sure everyone knows that it’s Trump who made the Talibon whole again and cause the disaster our withdrawal became.

  12. I didn’t have “furry interracial vore” on my bingo card of stuff they’re outing themselves as into. But here we are.

    So weird.

  13. Some Haitians don’t view your cat as a pet. To some it’s food. Why is this cultural difference so hard to understand?

  14. Fear the, great white unifier, they all gonna get raped, lose their jobs, get replaced……….hold on, hold on……this sounds like what happened to the local populance once europeans arrived, holly shit, this fear is genetic……hey quanon publish this.

  15. The fact that he is supported by every known hate group in this country, was a big deterrent to me and should’ve been to everyone else.
    But, as things go, this animal doesn’t change his spots. They are just more out front as his dementia takes hold. He will be the downfall of us all.

  16. As if there’s any “new low” these bottom-feeders won’t descend to for some publicity.

  17. If there is one thing impressive about Trump, it’s no matter how low he goes, he can find a way to sink lower. There is no bottom to this guy.

  18. If Harris is smart, she’ll ask Trump to explain some of the things he’s been saying — she needs to *quote* him and really push him to be held accountable for the terrible things he’s said.

  19. MAGA has no low. Fear mongering, homophobia, guns, and racism is how the majority of them got elected in the first place.

  20. I can’t WAIT for a trumpless world. He is a horrible human being. I would like to be able to watch tv and the news, and NEVER hear that name again.

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