‘Are you OK?’ Dem confronts Jim Jordan for sharing fake image of Trump protecting a duck

‘Are you OK?’ Dem confronts Jim Jordan for sharing fake image of Trump protecting a duck


Posted by Quirkie

  1. >”I don’t know if the aliens who are eating your ducks are in the room with us right now but, Mr. Chairman, this is a serious issue.”

  2. PedoJimJordan – the most useless and feckless member of the House of Congress. He’s worse than EmptyG or Blowbert.

  3. I don’t know which is dumber, Jordan seriously sharing AI pictures on the congressional floor, or MTG sharing revenge porn on the congressional floor.

  4. Ah Gym Jordan the kiddie diddler is onelce again showing the world that he’s as subservient and easy to bend over as Melania

  5. Have been to Mexico a gazillion times since I live in California and I’ve seen plenty of cats and ducks where there’s water. This is utter bullshit and lies. Mexican don’t eat cats or ducks for that matter.

    They eat a lot of chickens and cows just as we do.

  6. The GOP is so completely off the rails, it’s literally insane. And they expect people to trust them with running the country? What, by making silly AI images?

    Ffs, grow up.

  7. The last line is my favorite. I love Eric Swalwell. Ever since he called Kevin McCarthy a pussy.

  8. Jim Jordan cares more about kittens and ducks than our own children being gunned down by crazed lunatics.

    Thoughts and prayers are enough for dead kids.

  9. This is what else we mean by “weird.” Tim Walz would say, “No one wants a portrait of Trump holding a cat and a duck.” And think back to your times collaborating in school or say at your first few jobs. Think back to the jocks who had less than nothing going for them in the brains department. Or, think back to the 80s movie with Taimok and Vanity, “The Last Dragon,” where the producer’s daughter had that really awful and weird television show, and you know the only reason it was on the air is because her Daddy owned the studio. It’s like that.

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