As Barron Trump Begins College, His Professors Sign Open Letter Branding His Father a ‘Threat’ to The Republic

As Barron Trump Begins College, His Professors Sign Open Letter Branding His Father a ‘Threat’ to The Republic

As Barron Trump Begins College, His Professors Sign Open Letter Branding His Father a ‘Threat’ to The Republic

Posted by inewser

  1. College is intimidating enough. I can’t imagine going to college with SS escorts 24/7 on campus.

  2. Better keep eyes on him. Apple don’t fall far from the tree. Just ask those other three thieving Spawns, who stole from sick Children

  3. I wonder if he just like his father , and one of his teachers calls him one of the dumbest students he ever had my bet he is

  4. Good – he is. It’s a shame NYU let a Trump in. The family is a bunch of grotesque liars and grifters.

  5. Rotten apples don’t fall far from the Trump tree, mostly because there aren’t many branches.

  6. If I was a female student in any of his classes, I would be sitting as far as I could from him. I’d be creeped out by him.

  7. I’d get a refund from the college and go somewhere else. He’d probably get a better education.

  8. He should attend college in Russia… so he doesn’t miss any classes when his daddy flees the country.

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