Man accused of plot to attack New York Jewish centre was in Canada on student visa

Man accused of plot to attack New York Jewish centre was in Canada on student visa

Posted by Unusual-State1827

  1. “Immigration Minister Marc Miller said Tuesday that Khan, a Pakistani national, obtained a student visa in May 2023 and arrived in Canada in June of that same year. He said he wouldn’t be providing any further details about the suspect.”

    Did he say what checks they did? Previously he lied and said all international students have criminal checks (bare bones), and that isn’t true.

    “Question: “If someone were on a student visa, would there be criminal records checks?”

    Marc Miller: “Yes.”

    Question: “There would be?”

    Marc Miller: “Yeah.”

    Question: “And then how would this process work?”

    Marc Miller: “You check them and if they have a criminal record they don’t come in.”

  2. Yeah that’s hardly a surprise. Canada is not unique in a pay-for-visa scheme (many EU countries had golden visas) but Canada’s asking price is ludicrously low, so criminals and other bad guys around the world can easily get in.

    Meanwhile, people who are genuinely interested in coming to Canada for tourism, business or industry conferences are kept away because they are all seen as national security risks. Diploma mill certificate students get in without as much as a nod while actual PhDs doing world changing research face delays and rejections.

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