Kamala when Trump Called her dad a “Marxist Professor of Economics”

Kamala when Trump Called her dad a “Marxist Professor of Economics”

Posted by lala_b11

  1. Bro, I just tuned in and the lies just poured out of my computer screen and I almost fell over. He rambles about killing babies and shit.

  2. I knew I shouldn’t have turned Trump lying during the debate into a drinking game. I’m now posting from the ICU.

  3. “Maybe if he had an economics degree he would know what Marxism actually is.”

    *checks Trump’s education history on Wikipedia*

    “…oh. Well, then.”

  4. As someone who is already locked in voting for her, her mannerisms are bad. They are not going to appeal to anyone on the fence not sure what her prep team was thinking.

  5. I kept waiting for her to call him a tired old man. She had several opportunities in the first hour where he set her up for it. But she didn’t take them. 🙁

    Going to bed now.

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