Debate viewers fume after Donald Trump makes ‘delusional’ comment about executing babies

Debate viewers fume after Donald Trump makes ‘delusional’ comment about executing babies

Posted by TheMirrorUS

  1. He’s just screaming at everyone. My favorite policy of his has been “I’ve probably been shot in the head for this.”

  2. I’m watching from Australia. Trump is a crumbling train wreck. The longer the “debate” goes on, the more unhinged and off-topic he’s getting. Not to mention, the expected, constant interruptions, the self-promotion and his I, I, I ego stroking.

  3. I want to see Trump debate Liam Gallagher. We wouldn’t learn anything, but it would be fun to watch Trump stand there and listen to Liam say to him “Ya fookin knobhead, I’ll give you a smack ya bastage potato youknowwhatimean?”

  4. It’s so exhausting to listen to him.. never answer a question but spit out lies after lies

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