Omg Zou Yi Shocks the World with a Massive 215KG Lift to Secure Men’s 65KG Para Powerlifting Gold

Omg Zou Yi Shocks the World with a Massive 215KG Lift to Secure Men’s 65KG Para Powerlifting Gold

Posted by LifeAside6592

  1. i know this is A CRAZY question
    but without legs does this section (65) is easier to lift or having no legs is a more disavantage?
    im assuming the second but legit curious

  2. Watched a lifting competition the other day. The competitors barely lifted the weight, backs arched like the gateway arch monument, and they had all their limbs. All the comments said thats just how they do it now days.

    Then you get this chad pushing 215kgs holding form and doing a proper lift.

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