Trump didn’t answer a single question

Trump didn’t answer a single question

Posted by LiveWithinYourMemes

  1. He finally mentioned his Health Plan though, after 4 years of nothing as President we got “concepts” – that is his plan, “concepts”.

    *Before he was sworn in, President Trump made a bold promise: The as-yet-unreleased Obamacare repeal and replacement plan would have “insurance for everybody.”*

  2. Trump finally admitted that he doesn’t actually have a healthcare plan. He kept saying *”if we come up with something better…”* He also said we’d be hearing about it in a few weeks. HAHAHAHAHA!!!

  3. I have bad news for you. 

    92% of fox respondents say Trump won. 

    I seriously doubt that this debate moved the needle. 

    But Harris did a strong job, so she eliminated a risk and showed she is much improved over prior campaigns.  That’s a win. 

    And Democrats will be very happy with this performance so that is good for turnout. 

  4. Next debate, if I was Harris… I would just ask him to explain how he’s going to do anything he says. Like in a really nice way just be like “okay, and what are the details of the plan….what are the steps and how will you make that work”

    I have learned one thing with maga…. When you ask them to explain things instead of biting and just arguing with them, 9 times out of 10 they legit can’t explain any of it because they just know the catch phrases. This isn’t even the everyday maga voters fault, it’s trumps because trump never explains anything…. He just says a word salad with trigger words and catch phrases.

    Honestly, this is probably how all the deeep deep conspiracy crap became so ingrained into maga as a whole, because the voters had to q anon follow the breadcrumbs and fill in the massive gaps themselves on account of trump never actually explaining anything.

  5. “She wants to allow transgender operations on illegal aliens in prisons – and she will never allow fracking in Pennsylvania.” That is a direct quote. Still didn’t answer a question.

  6. He had me at “transgender operations for illegal immigrant criminals in prison”. So dreamy. What a stable genius.

  7. I agree, but it bothered me when she was asked about her supposed responsibility in the Afganistán withdrawal, and she completely avoided the question.

  8. She wiped the floor with him. He fell for every bait she laid out. He looked out of control and some of his answers were laughable. Using Orbin as an example was one of those moments. Explaining he has a concept of a plan was another. This is NOT the person we want with the nuclear codes.

  9. He answered the most important: Is he completely insane? The answer is YES. He’s batshit insane.

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