Debate reality

Debate reality

Posted by Hot_Mess_Express

  1. Did anyone else think she was about to call him a bastard when bringing up him inviting the Taliban to Camp David?

  2. Haitians eating cats?

    Every response he gave, eventually, got around to immigration and the border.

    Kamala baited him all night long and he took the bait every single time.

    Trump’s supporters won’t change their vote but, tonight, Harris showed 10s of millions of undecided voters that only ONE of them is fit to be President.

    He lost the election.

  3. God the look on her face throughout the debate every time Trump eagerly took the bait was priceless. It’s like she felt bad for him at a certain point

  4. post birth abortion…. or as the rest of the world outside america calls it,


  5. I can’t believe he is still talking about these 9 month “abortions “. Thank God she wiped the floor with him on that. And the black comment, what an idiot

  6. I read on Patriot.America.BaldEagle.TRUMP that Kamala Harris eats babies while defecting on the Israeli flag.

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