Guys is this actually real?

Guys is this actually real?

by napoletano_di_napoli

  1. What’s funnier is that two guys reply with “The Icelandic! Because they’re Aryans too!”. Anyway, من فقط پاستا و پیتزا میخورم..

  2. It’s a bit true, about the Italians. They are both genetically carriers of the “J2” Haplogroup.

    It’s also true about Germans.
    Turks carry “J2” and they moved to Germany in large quantities as guest workers after WW2, never to leave Germany afterwards. Today, modern day Germans carry the Turkish gene.

    They often ride motopeds on the sidewalk, to the sound of loud music and yell: “Hey Brüdah!” with their ugly hochDeutsch accent.

  3. Being aryans, that makes sense. But, i would like to point out that we are waaaaay more mixed than a lot of othe populations, so these (beatiful) girls are referring to the stereotypical southerner emigrated after the wwII

  4. Yep, the term “Aryan” before referred the Indo-European or Indo-Germanic peoples who settled in India, Persia (Iran) and Europe thousands of years earlier.

    So common origin and a country actually closer to european standards than people think

  5. The two girls in the fist and last pics could absolutely pass for southern Italians or any other pigs national except Portuguese: no facial hair unless it’s hidden under the masks

  6. Well, I’ve known an Iranian family (rumours they were part of the royal family) who moved to Madeira around the time that country went to shit. The girl is probably one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, so much so that she lives that Instagram influencer lifestyle… No judgment here.

    Her father is the one who’s actually Iranian and neither he nor she look Portuguese, much less do they look like the stereotypical German. They don’t even look like Alentejanos or Algarvios (regions who had been occupied by Arabs/north Africans in the middle ages). Guess what, they look like Iranians and I’m glad for it because she looks like a fucking goddess!

  7. You hate Islam cause you as a Christian can’t understand the existence of other regions.

    I hate Islam cause it forces beautiful Persian women to cover their faces.

    We are not the same.

  8. Actually i do think Persians have a very similar mindset to Germans (Personal experience, have a few good Friends from Iran).
    Do they look like me?
    Not at all whatsoever.
    To be fair i’m blonde and blue eyed, quite rare for Persians.
    Some kurdish people do look VERY European though.

  9. Half italian half iraninan here. I have never been mistaken for Italian: Moroccan, Tunisian, Calabrian, Sicilian, but never Italian

  10. Btw, check out the family of Irans king Reza pahlavi.
    Some look European af.
    Same with the original Turkish Osmanoglu Family lmao.

  11. Persian women are generally some of the most beautiful creatures on Earth, so comparing themselves to Italians and Germans just shows how their regime has harmed their sense of self.

  12. Across the sea we have the less developed Europeans except the Dutch of course, and then we have the former Soviet and Slavic Europeans, and then the half-Africans and the Moors.

    I don’t think Iranians are Germans though. Did Adolf Hitler think so? It’s good they like education though. Wonder how the country would had been if it wasn’t ran by Islamists. (Maybe it’s more like Sweden in that regard? …)

  13. Some Iranians could actually pass as Alpine Europeans, although the Arab influence changed their average looks

  14. Well as an Italian woman I was asked multiple times if I came from Iran and I was ??? but now I see why

  15. I am an Italian (from the north so I am extremely tall and pale) with Iranian wife.

    When we travel to Italy, most people speak Italian to her before me. It is a running joke to see how long we can keep it up until I have to step in.

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