Trump has failed the Green Line Test

Trump has failed the Green Line Test

Posted by darkdetective

  1. It looked like she was going to lead him to his room in the retirement home after he was found wandering in the hallways.

  2. Yeah, he failed a whole lot of tests last night.

    Pretty much every test but mostly on honesty and accepting responsibility.

    He said nothing was in any way his fault and lied over and over about every subject.

    He looked like an angry old bum.

  3. I loved that she got all up in his personal space. A power move trump didn’t expect and didn’t know how to react to.

  4. I loved that she got all up in his personal space. A power move trump didn’t expect and didn’t know how to react to.

  5. Trump might have done better if he was 3 decades younger, or at any point in his “prime”…

    But he still would have lost.

  6. he did the lift and pull.
    you take someones hand, pull it so its in your favour and then higher up than would be normal. It feels awkward to the other person and its a power play tactic.

  7. “Kamala Harris, President of the United States. Prepare to get your ***ASS*** handed to you.”

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