

by FredEmmer14

  1. I don’t understand flags but the individual on the left looks like a all around good person with decent values and an above average education.

    The idiotvidual on the right looks like a complete savage who don’t yet fully understand the concept of forks.

  2. Same same but different lol.

    I have a funny story about that, I used to spend lots of time in Kos which was occupied by the ottoman empire for 390 years up to 1912… A friend (born and bred, goat herders for generations) there was always very super against the Turks, never been to next door Bodrum in turkey across the sea, 30 minutes away by ferry…

    He went once because his girl asked him to and after he came back he wasn’t as bad as before so I asked him, what’s up with that… Well after spending the day there he just realised he looked like everyone else there, food was similar, traditions were similar… Everything was the same same but different…

    So yeah, both nations are different but they are not worlds apart.

  3. Happy to treat them as equals, when they embrace their Greek roots, start eating pork again and allow gay marriage.

    Till then we will keep looking down on them for sucking sultan’s cock.

  4. ๐Ÿ”ต blue = friendly color depicting allies with the same values

    โŒ๐Ÿ”ดโ€ผ๏ธred = agressive imperialist color used by genocidal nations across history (except romans ofc)

    No need to go further

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