What Trump DIDN’T say about Ukraine war is biggest clue to his plans for Putin & Zelensky

What Trump DIDN’T say about Ukraine war is biggest clue to his plans for Putin & Zelensky

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  1. trump nor most americans dont give a damn if corrupt leftist ukraine wins ,its not americas war ,trump was breaking records world wide signing peace treaties ,no new wars .only president in 2 decades to not start a war and now biden and harris and the democrat washington war machine have wars in a half dozen countries making themserlves rich off the lives they slaughter..ukraine knew after crimea fell in 2014 what russia would do yet they didnt build a military ,instead they ran scams and corruption schemes with american leftist with energy companies and now wants the world to fund their war and build their military

  2. This is an example of how petty and power crazy trump is.
    When he bought a golf course in Scotland there were freezers delivered at ground level which had to go up to the second or third floor. There was a lift they could have fitted in quite easily, below the swl of the lift and when he heard this went ballistic and told the contractor to handball them up the stairways.
    Doesn’t give a ssss about anyone but himself, doesn’t know how hard he makes things for other people.
    Hope the court gets their money out of him.
    An absolute xxxxx.

  3. Sad that Trump is not president listen to her nonsense about war in Ukraine typical policy of the 2 different parties she's still insisting that the best way against dictators is to keep on fighting!!!! Democrats are ALWAYS stuck in ongoing wars!!!! DON'T TRUST HER speaks with forked tongue just like all her predecessors there is only ONE SOLUTION for all the chaos in the world and especially the chaos upheaval and hardships in America and it is to vote for TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT 2024 and not just the frivolous choice at the outcome of this pathetic debate that is SOOOO obviously rigged by all the Democrat cronies and pals in the liberal media

  4. I kind of wish Harris had brought up the fact that this war began in 2014 and trump had 4 years to end it then as he claims. The ONLY thing he accomplished was an an attempt to shake down Zelenskeye for dirt on Biden and a subsequent impeachment.

  5. Trump couldn't answer a single question because he does not have answers. He is a man of empty promises.
    This works well only until he is able to manipulate his audience and offend the other candidates. But when he is confronted he can only make faces

  6. Ukraina is at heart a very simple problem. All these oil and gas fields that make russia a gasstation pretending to be a country all extend into Ukraina, more precise in Donbas. And Ukraina wants to join the EU. If Ukraina joined the EU in some form or other that would stop the trade of oil and gas with russia forever since Ukraina would grow rich becoming the EU most favored supplier. Fun fact. the pipelines are already there, Ukraina now holds the pumping facilities in the Kursk region.

    russia was never going to let that happen.

    Ukraina still wants to join the EU and they still want to take all their oil and gas with them en russia is still not going to take that lying down. If trump thinks he just has to go and fix that overnight he is delusional. It will a lot of very carefull negotions AFTER russia stops the hostilities.

    I can see this happening with President Kamala Harris. But keep that clown away from us.

  7. We in the US are not worried about Iran. We’re not worried about Saudi Arabia. Neither is any Western European leader, especially in comparison to the 3 LARGEST THREATS AGAINST DEMOCRACY, and those are the dictators of Russia, China, and North Korea. So why does this eejit engage in yet another FALSE EQUIVALENCY?!? This is an INCREDIBLY dangerous tactic and IT NEEDS TO CEASE. NOW!

  8. That's why I asked the president of Ukraine do not give Donald Trump his information cuz he would give it to put and he don't go Donald Trump not s*** my damn damn damn don't tell Donald Trump what you going to do cuz he's going to call Putin and it's going to be him on wheels😢😢😢😢😮 is not going to eat s*** they want to take you crazy country but don't belong to them damn damn dictators leave Ukraine alone let the people live they didn't ask you to invade their country like you did that's a sin in the Bible open your Bible and read a book of Revelation cuz you going to pay everything God will make you pay you better believe it

  9. You know what none of these people deserve to die on Russia sign on you queen size boot is the devil and he's a liar why is all these innocent people soldiers getting killed taking out of jail. I'd rather die in jail than they go out there fighting unnecessary war that's not meant to be and it's sad to my heart and it breaks my heart because I have kids that need to go up that need to see the second generation there will be one trouble getting that white house we all destroyed😢😢😢😢😢😢 is Saudi Arabia in Autumn 4 country need to stay in mind their business let the United States do what they need to do to support Ukraine you're not doing nothing y'all been doing a damn thing about making it worse

  10. One thing I got to say God will bring Ukraine home on a silver platter you hear me and my favorite so powerful and God talks to me everyday all night in my dreams even if I'm walking if I'm walking they going to bring Ukraine out of this your credit is coming home with a victory❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  11. I think it's already apparent that Trump has admiration for the likes of Pukin and Kim Jong because, I expect, he fancies himself as a dictator. He'd pull the plug on all military and financial support for Ukraine to demonstrate his support for Pukin. Feckless dog log.

  12. putin Ignored the 1994 Budapest agreement, therefore President Zelensky and the People of Ukraine will decide what Peace Plan is acceptable to them…..Putin (The Russian Dictator) must leave all of the Ukraine including Crimea and take his Warmongering Allies with him. Ukraine must be free to join Nato to avoid any further violence from Russia…God Bless Ukraine from the UK

  13. Part of the agreement to get Ukraine to agree to give up their Nuclear Missiles was that Nato would help to protect them in the future, now they are being let down. Remember putin is watching all this…Glory Ukraine from the UK.

  14. He didn't say he wants Ukraine to win because theirs no possible scenario that Ukraine CAN win at this stage. He was in favour of it ending because its entering a tactically dangerous phase, Biden being asleep at the wheel would not understand that.

  15. Maybe Trump would like to give Putin Alaska back. It was once part of the Russian Empire. Other politicians (Trump, Scholtz, Macron) are quick to offer Putin pieces of Ukraine and allow those trapped within to be subject to Kremlin imposed life. But I don't see them in any hurry to offer pieces of their sovereign territory to the murderous dictator. Remember Hitler. They only respect strength. Give Ukraine all they need asap. They are dying on our behalf.

  16. She called that coward out to his cowardly face! To make America look weak an give his buddie the land he stole with violence,but we will help the Ukrainians with defeating Russia an Trump's buddie putler! Just a embarrassment to the world an to America which is the strongest an powerful country ever in everything the world could offer but we have it an nobody can deny it! Vote blue an get that orange monster out of politics an put him in jail were he belongs with Putin his buddie!

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