Does Deco have a good point here?

by AlinaTwilight

  1. Those players are out of budget. Where is the nike deal and libro money. What was victor roque then

  2. I mean wouldnt a player who loves the club and wants to play for the badge also want to win titles to bring prestige to the club?

  3. I feel like half the signings we’ve made in the past 5 years have been from players who want to be the one to bring Barca back to glory. Lewa, Gunda, Aguero, Auba, etc. they’re not young talents signing for their dream club, they came to be the one to bring Barca back.

    Why else would they leave their top teams to join a club that is struggling in almost every facet lol

  4. No. The problem with this is that those two dreams should be synonymous. Dreaming of playing for Barca and dreaming of winning titles with Barca go hand in hand so much that they are essentially the same thing.

  5. Winning mentality. Conviction. Hunger. That’s what you need in a player and that is what has been lackin for over almost a decade now.

    Good thing to have Flick on board and a lot of young players ready to absorb some good working ethics.

  6. Which player who would like to play for Barca wouldn’t want to win trophies with Barca? Bruh

  7. Deco and Laporta are just big talks nothing else moment they both step down Barça will start making progress.

  8. This is the kind of shit i would say at 12 yo and think i was deep. Its a word salad, doesn’t mean anything

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