Seriously, what the fuck?

Seriously, what the fuck?

Posted by OneBigPieceOfPizza

  1. Elon is becoming an incel before our eyes.

    Elon would probably be the type of incel who has to pay a women to talk to him

  2. I think there’s a point where money fries your brain. I mean in terms of debt. That boy is billions in debt and has no way of digging himself out other than fantasies in his aging brain. He’s confusing reality with his fantasies. Fortunately for him he has enough money to not look like some crazy homeless guy shouting about aliens eating his cats.

  3. It’s funny that he thinks he could get anywhere near her. Her current guy is a a super fit athlete and he looks like a refrigerator on stilts.

  4. I especially love the whole 50s

    Powerful man generously allows his woman to bless her womb with his gift of life, and

    Alpha male seeks to spread his seed as widely as possible, passing his magnificent genetics to a new generation of titans


    He really is a living fossil.

  5. This is the guy that *some* people are cheering to take us to Mars.

    No way that could possibly backfire. Thanks NASA!

  6. Kelce should punch that twerp in the mouth. I mean, less so from a “masculine” standpoint and moreso because a lot of the world would likely enjoy that and this seems justified enough. After the debate last night, I’m feeling the desire for more catharsis.

  7. Is it any wonder that Leon and Theil’s best attempt at a normal human being to run as VP was JD Vance? So goddamn weird.

  8. If I were Taylor, I would opt not to be in the same vicinity as him EVER. He would rape her if he could. He can’t stand a powerful woman not wanting to be with him. She’s way above her and has a gentleman as a boyfriend. 

  9. Elon does and says stupid shit for attention. It’s best just to ignore him and watch his platform continue to drain itself of intelligent people.

  10. Not that serious. Vance, Musk, and Taylor are idiots/childish. They are all just jabbing at each other on social media.

  11. I’m unsure whether he’s proposing to impregnate her or sell her one of the kids he stole from Grimes.

  12. So is a more rape/impregnated thing or offer you my child as your own thing? Both are super weird and evil and gross and I’m not going to bother figuring out which is worse.

  13. If any other CEO made a rape threat on social media, they’d be fired. Time to hold this rapey incel accountable for his actions.

  14. Man, I must be weirdly innocent to have thought Musk meant that he’d give Taylor one of his existing children – it’s not like he’s involved in their lives anyway!

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