Jon Stewart Unloads on Trump’s Most Shameful Debate Moment

Jon Stewart Unloads on Trump’s Most Shameful Debate Moment

Posted by foxinHI

  1. I forgot the speaker of the house could override the commander in fucking chief.

    This piece of shit admitted he didn’t do a damn thing. Just watched the chaos. No calls to the pentagon, no attempt to curtail the violence

  2. It bothered me that he can claim infanticide (post birth abortion) is happening. That is so easy to disprove and this lying sack of orange turds is STILL the candidate.

  3. Did he? Because I watched for 5 full minutes before I got bored and switched over to watch drag race.

    I mean, Make Goofy Face has an extremely short shelf life in 2024.

  4. You know what?

    I used to love Jon Stewart, but listening to that monologue, he’s still doing his both sides schtick.

    When asked about the current state of the economy Kamala pivots and talks about what she will do for the future economy.

    Donald, on the other hand, starts talking about criminal immigrants.

    Yes, they both didn’t directly answer the question but one was a pivoting to a relevant talking point and the other was BATSHIT INSANE.

    These are not the same thing Jon.

  5. This is exactly the reason that I have so loved having Jon Stewart back. Nobody can dismantle a bullshit argument more succinctly and plainly than Jon Stewart.

  6. I want to know, how Trump could or would know if Biden ” Hated or hates” Harris. He doesn’t, he just knows that he would because he’s got so much of it inside. A miserable life with a miserable family who’s all splintered apart, and who’s love is only of $$ not each other. Karma’s a bitch, its a coming!

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