Israeli airstrikes hit UN school and homes in Gaza, killing at least 34 people, hospitals say

Israeli airstrikes hit UN school and homes in Gaza, killing at least 34 people, hospitals say

Posted by 0x6835

  1. The Palestinian holocaust continues unabated. Permitting a Jewish state to be created in the current location has been one of the worst geopolitical blunders of the 20th century. The worst part is that I just can’t imagine nobody saw this coming at the time, almost like all this strife was intended.

  2. If any other country killed that many innocents and destroyed so many schools, hospitals, playgrounds, churches, mosques, graveyards, museums and private homes, it would be all over our news and all over reddit.

  3. >

    So who were the other 15 people that are adult men and why were they all in this “school”? Like, it’s been a while since I’ve been in a school, but even I know that the schools aren’t generally filled with that many adult men.

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