Oversized trucks and SUVs targeted in the US by new safety proposal

Oversized trucks and SUVs targeted in the US by new safety proposal


by DukeOfGeek

  1. What a flawed study, it only talks about pedestrians. What about people driving older cars that get cut in half by these 10,000lb EV monsters being driven around by uncaring soccer moms…

  2. Too little, too late.

    By the time the current giant-sized fleet has been run into the ground, the world will be on fire.


  3. These rules would only apply to passenger vehicles under 10,000 pounds. The Silverado EV is 9,000 pounds already. I have a feeling that this is going to turn into the CAFE standards all over again and will somehow lead to bigger and heavier vehicles. If there is a loophole, corporations will find it. I’m a pessimist/realist tho

  4. There needs to be a special license for vehicles above a certain weight/size even if it’s only for personal use.

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