Bryson in trouble??

This seems pretty libelous to me "terror family" and saying Finucane had links to the IRA?
Language like that made the man a target in the first place.

by Superb-Cucumber1006

  1. ” finucane has had millions spent on inquiries ”

    still no sign of the truth though jamie,

    you gobshite for hire we point and laugh at

  2. Bryson is a waste of oxygen. He’s very clearly funded by the Paramilitiaries and Loyalist higher ups to rile Protestants up and get them on side. Also he monetises hatred, speaking like that is his money maker, via reason mentioned prior, and the fact it’s the only thing that gives him attention.

    It doesn’t surprise me he’s talking like this about this topic. He’s pro UVF, Israel etc. Scum of the earth type

  3. He’s a cunt alright but I believe Pat Finucane did have brothers in the IRA so libel would be unsuccessful.

  4. With all this stuff about people being arrested for hate crimes and what not online, why hasn’t bryson been lifted and charged?

  5. Someone with a self-deluded illusion of having a legal education, libelling the family of a highly successful ACTUAL solicitor. Should end well

  6. He’s only typing into an echo chamber. Anybody who isn’t a perpetual victimhood neanderthal couldn’t care less what he thinks. Hope he gets sued.

  7. I thought someone with as much legal acumen as Jamie would have thought twice before publishing a potentially libellous statement such as that, particularly when it’s directed at the family of a solicitor.

  8. Don’t give this rat the benefit of publicity. He lives on it and his life is incredibly depressing.

  9. Bryson would consider himself a lawyer and also has political links. Does he apply the same logic to himself?

  10. Jamie’s a rent boy who loves the gaa and takes the piss out of his dum dums in the pul 😄

  11. If the Bwits told the twuth in the fuwst pwace they’d be no need fo invwestigashuns. Wheelie bin prick.

  12. Like everything else that skid mark has to say, worthless. Unless the inquiry finds exactly what he wants it to find, he’ll attempt to discredit it any way he can. It’s like saying that takeaway didn’t make you fatter because you didn’t enjoy it—the facts don’t lie.

  13. As ever the majority of prominent pul “leaders” are a disgrace.

    Never fuck up with their bigotry and hold my beer takes and of course not a word of condemnation on the absolute racist paramilitary melts fucking around right now.

    You were, and still are, on the wrong side of history. Accept it, fuck up, drop your shitty attitudes and move on.

  14. How has this guy got to the point that he has? Even as a Unionist all I can think about everytime he appears is how much his annoying voice and unsolicited opinions hurt unionism. He’s not an elected anybody, why does he such a voice?

  15. Collusion says no, probably not.

    Bryson should have been jailed 20 times over, & that’s just for the skintight blue body suit that showed off his little nubbin.

  16. I see that Jamie is telling porkie pies again. It’s already been proven that Pat Finucane was never a member of the IRA or linked to the IRA in any way, other than being a lawyer. So Jamie, do us a favour and shut up ya ⚽🫚

    Edit: Removed a word

  17. Bitter wee wannabe lawyer with close links to murderous, punishment-beating, drug-dealing loyalist gangs accuses murdered human rights lawyer of the things Jamie actually is himself.

    A dose.

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