Selenskyj: Die Russen haben 137.000 Kriegsverbrechen begangen, und es muss mindestens so viele Urteile geben

Selenskyj: Die Russen haben 137.000 Kriegsverbrechen begangen, und es muss mindestens so viele Urteile geben

  1. I know Putin has a warrant from the ICC, but I wonder who the highest-ranking person within his regime will be who actually gets tried by them.

  2. How does one identify the persons responsible?
    I thought there was a certain anonymity on the battlefield.

    I suppose Russia has to “lose” first?

    Good luck to them though, the guilty parties should be found and prosecuted.

  3. Good luck with that.

    It’s not going to happen, individual soldiers are almost never prosecuted, and if they were some Ukrainian soldiers could be prosecuted too.

  4. It’s a war crime every time a Russian soldier returned fire or took a step inside Ukraine. Should add some zeros there.

  5. You can make as many verdicts as you want, but what is the point if you don’t have a way to enforce it?

  6. You can watch videos of Ukraine committing war crimes too. (highly NSFL) has tons of videos.

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