Russian couple share their journey developing their new flat and the aftermath of the UAV explosion that happened right next to it.

Russian couple share their journey developing their new flat and the aftermath of the UAV explosion that happened right next to it.

by AgreeableFreedom6203

  1. Keep up being passive to a dictator that doesn’t care about its own people. Bad news. The war you guys started is now back home to bite you in the butt.

  2. It’s not like you were targeted working in a maternity hospital or day care, you just happened to be on the flight path of that drone.

    Fuck you and Fuck Russia

  3. Write a letter to your leader Putin to thank him for his decision to start a war by invading a neighboring state..

  4. Videos revealing Ukraine crushing ruski muir dreams for attacking their liberty for pootin is beautiful thing.

  5. Normally I would care, if I hadn’t known they have been doing the same thing to Ukrainians for practically 3 years now. It’s not an issue until it happens to you, huh?

  6. They’ll be more Russian blood to stain your godforsaken land, unless your bitch of a president pulls out of Ukraine and respects their sovereign territorial boundaries.

    *Russia always plays the victim, no one should feel bad when they become it*

    Slava Ukraini, Heroiam Slava.

  7. I watched the Ukrainians try to escape through civilian corridors while Russia bombed them. Get fucked. Don’t care.

  8. “We don’t get involved in politics” But they have no problem with their country invading/destroying/killing in a sovereign nation and when it happens to them….”Why do they hate us?”

  9. Way too much drama in the video where nothing really happened neither to that couple nor their flat or belongings.

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