Teen died watching Tipping Point as mum ‘didn’t think she needed ambulance’ and went to pub

Teen died watching Tipping Point as mum ‘didn’t think she needed ambulance’ and went to pub


by Vectipelta_Barretti

  1. “She admitted failing to provide Robyn with adequate food, clothing or heating, hitting her and permitting her to smoke cannabis and drink alcohol.”

    Girl dies because shitty neglectful mother does nothing to help her.

  2. “I knew she was unwell so I locked her in and went to the pub”. 3 years for this.

    Also the thought of dying watching daytime television is incredibly disturbing to me.

  3. Cases like this are why we need social services to be more involved and not treat them like the enemy. The leaving of a sick child was really only part of the neglect going on here and there are tons of parents out there who allow their children to do drugs and drink alcohol.

    Normalise kids getting rescued from such abusive parenting

  4. The child (only 13) would have been in agonising pain for a while, she had peritonitis and a burst ulcer. She probably would have been running a fever, her stomach would have been hard and swollen, she would have been vomiting (maybe bloody from the ulcer) and unable to eat for days/losing weight rapidly. There’s no way a parent would mistake that for a ‘stomach bug’

    That girl was murdered by neglect from her mother

  5. I hardly thing permitting a 13 year old to drink and smoke weed is cruelty but the rest, yeah.

  6. Absolutely crazy and such neglect from her mother. That sentencing is ridiculous too for basically murdering her child.

    I do remember being 17/18 and complaining about a sore rib to my mother after a heavy fall the night before (drinking to much). My mother told me to walk it off and take a pain killer I’d be grand. I had a ruptured spleen and was bleeding internally. Was told by the doctor if I didn’t arrive when I did I had hours to live. So sometimes parents make mistakes but what that woman did is inexcusable. She should be sentenced to life for murder .

  7. The poor girl must have been in agony if she had peritonitis and a ruptured ulcer. I can’t imagine that level of pain.

  8. I can imagine the mother to be the sort of person to go to the GPs with a sore throat or A&E with a scrapped knee

  9. I mean, do we need people like this around? People so neglectful they let their daughter die in agony while they were downing tins? If this woman walked into the sea I don’t know if I’d feel bad about it

  10. >The inquiry had earlier heard claims Goldie told Robyn not to report an alleged rape as it would lead to her being examined by doctors and having to go to court. Goldie said Robyn was ‘boasting’ that she was ‘no longer a virgin’ in the aftermath of the alleged assault by a 14-year-old boy in a caravan near Bellshill, Lanarkshire.

    Grim, poor girl

  11. Imagine dying to that fucking “We buy any car” advert. Absolutely depressing, nobody deserves that.

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