RU soldier ends himself after two drone dropped grenades

RU soldier ends himself after two drone dropped grenades

by dkrandu

  1. I’ve seen dozens of these, and they make my stomach turn every time, but what gets me is they’re not fighting for any greater purpose or noble cause…. they’re attacking and invading someone else, and have died for madman Putin’s ego.

  2. Actually insane how this exact same scenario is happening over and over. Grenade drops and injures. They make the decision often within seconds and it’s over.

  3. Do you lack a fatherly figure in your life?
    Only someone with a lot of anger issues and revolt would consider posting something like this.

  4. It must just really, really fucking hurt.

    I guess they know the drones will always come back to finish them anyway, but idk man I feel like I might try to live.

  5. Nice one! No hesitation, aim through the eye, not risking just blowing his face off. Solid 10/10 score! Next one please.

  6. I’ve lost count of how many Russian soldier suicides I’ve seen at this point, they might as well just do it before they even leave basic training

  7. “No help coming” must be drilled into their heads. Such a snap decision to blow your brains out…

  8. I wonder if they are being told you aren’t going to get help. This is incredible to witness how fast the decision is made. Almost unreal.

  9. Now if some how if we could just some make them all see the pointlessness to this campaign that quickly and all at the same time. That’d be great. Few hundred thousand of them all at the same time

  10. I’m starting to wonder if they are being instructed to kill themselves. I have seen a lot of war footage and even in situations where a person has no hope of getting medical help they will still cling to life, they will try to fight through. These guys are killing themselves so fast that most of them probably have barely even had time to register the fact that they just got hit. Something tells me that they aren’t just getting hit with a grenade and deciding to kill themselves withing 5 seconds. They have probably already made the decision long before they get hit so they don’t even have to think about it, they just go through the motions and shoot themselves when the time comes.

  11. Likely more than just two.

    Probably picking him apart. Why people are shocked that dying on your own terms is the best way out, is beyond me.

    Shrapnel can paralyze you, feeling immense pain, and No one wants to end up being drone operators gore content. Many reasons as to why this isn’t a “Russia problem” and just an issue of modern war. Ukrainians must do this as well, but Reddit will not allow that to stick.

  12. Oh I thought this was just a repost of the guy who is hit twice by grenades and puts his own under his chin to end it.

    Nope. This is another, different one.

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