What is going on? Really?

What is going on? Really?

Posted by cougaranddark

  1. I think we just need to accept that some people want to vote for Trump and will jump through many hoops to justify it.

    It will come down to turnout so talk to your friends/family and make sure people are registered and ready to vote against the orange rapist.

  2. MSNBC was talking to “undecided” voters and a few were still leaning Trump. I’m all for it’s a free country and you have the right to vote for whomever you want, but really? After what you just heard over the last 2 hours….

  3. What’s going on is that people want to live in a fantasy where someone *exactly like them* is the most powerful person in the world.

    They don’t *care* about policy, temperament, values or anything else. It’s not about his plans or what he’ll do in office.

    They are not expecting his Presidency to change their lives in any way except that it’ll make them feel better about themselves. A guy who talks like them, behaves like them, eats like them and thinks like them will be President and that’ll distract them from their pathetic existence in the way tv, books, movies and games distract people. It’s entertainment, it’s escapism.

    That’s all it is. At least for half of them. The other half just want to beat down on others so that simply being straight white men is enough to bump them back to the top of the social hierarchy and stroke their ego.

  4. It’s pretty simple. They’re not undecided. They want to justify to themselves that they could go either way because they know how it looks to everyone supporting Trump.

    I watched the CNN undecided panel. One person there stated that the debate didn’t change anything for them because they’re basing it on the fact they were better off under Trump then Biden. They then confirmed that they had voted for Trump in the last two elections. But still tried to claim that their mind isn’t made up. In what world is that undecided?

    I don’t think there’s many undecided voters. The election is more about demoralizing the other side so their supporters stay home.

  5. It takes a start up company at least 3 years to make decent profit. She should consider the extension to not only small businesses but to small companies. This would be very helpful especially in this event

  6. I think it was CNN that also talked to undecided voters. One guy was like “I didn’t get enough policy or facts. I’m just gonna let GOD make up my mind for me.” 🤯

  7. I was listening to the New York Times podcast just now, and someone said they cannot empathize with people who are still undecided about the presidential election. She then told this joke:

    A waiter goes to a customer and says, “We have two meal options for you today: one is fish and the other is the rotten carcass of a rat.”

    The customer then asks, “How was the fish cooked?”

    That’s what undecideds are like.

  8. Trump derangement syndrome doesn’t allow truth and facts to penetrate. That info should help the Trump cult come to terms with reality after he loses.

  9. The first comment on my Facebook after the debate was someone asking, “Sooo….what is her plan??” Did you watch the debate?!? What the hell is Trump’s plan other than “He’ll fix it before he takes office.”

  10. Explaining a solution feels condescending to some people.

    But then …it’s frustrating because NOTHING WILL BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR THEM

    they ask: “so how will this solution help?”

    “Well, let me explain”


  11. Immediately after the debate a few ABCNews entertainers said that neither one really answered questions, and danced around them all.

    It just left me feeling like, did we even watch the same debate? Fuck the corporate media and fuck Donald trump in the goat ass

  12. [The 5 basic laws of human stupidity, according to Cipolla](https://principia-scientific.com/the-5-basic-laws-of-human-stupidity-according-to-cipolla/)

    This has been posted before and is semi-satire, because as a harsh truth, it’s hard to take.

    Carlo Cipolla proposed four categories of people based on their behavior and impact on society:

    Intelligent: People who benefit themselves and others.

    Bandits: People who benefit themselves at the expense of others.

    Helpless: People who neither benefit nor harm others.

    Stupid: People who harm themselves and others.

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