Harris Played Trump Like a Big, Orange Fiddle

Harris Played Trump Like a Big, Orange Fiddle


Posted by American-Dreaming

  1. Somewhere along the way, Kamala Harris learned how to debate, and how to beat Trump at his own game. Harris mocked Trump, ridiculed him, baited him, laughed at him, roasted him, trolled him, bullied him, and, yes, at times lied about him. You might say she Trumped him. Dems cheer, Republicans blame the refs, but will any of it matter?

  2. Trump looked so old next to Harris. Definitely has signs of dementia. The Republicans need to retire him.

  3. and people are saying, a lot of people are saying it….Trump stepped on every rake she laid out, stumbled into every trap, and hung himself time and again. Trump was an instrument, and Harris played him all night like it was a recital. Harris mocked Trump, ridiculed him, laughed at him, roasted him, trolled him, bullied him, and, yes, at times lied about him. She Trumped him. You could practically hear the cracking snap of a rubber glove as she administered dose after dose of Trump’s own medicine right back at him. She took away Trump’s greatest strength on the debate stage: the ability to make other people emotional without losing your own cool.

  4. Yet on CNN’s post debate voter survey, one woman said her life was better under Trump and would vote for him again

  5. I walked into the workroom at school. A teacher is making copies, two are sitting at their desks. “We are talking about the debate!”

    Things I heard today…

    -Trump was pretty put together. Didn’t seem unhinged.

    -Harris has no policies to speak of, Trump did.

    -Harris was hateful, Trump kept it not personal.

    -Trump told the truth, Harris lied.

    When people say this kinda stuff and I watched it with my own eyes I struggle to see it from their perspective. I saw an absolute lunatic basement dwelling old man that rants about off the wall topics and conspiracy theories versus an intelligent woman trying to articulate ideas with very limited time. Debate it was not, but I know what I heard and saw. Definitely not what coworkers were saying.

  6. The fact that Kamala doesn’t have a double-digit lead right now is a damning indictment of the American people. It’s horrifying that Trump actually has a chance to win again.

  7. If it was this easy for Harris to manipulate trump- think about how easy it for foreign adversaries to manipulate him

  8. She did a good job of mixing incredulity, pity, confusion and amusement in the way she looked whenever he was talking.

  9. Honestly Trump was awful in the first debate it was that Biden was even worse. Trump tried the exact same script in this debate and completely got out classed.

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