Neom, Manager des nachhaltigen Paradieses im Wert von 500 Milliarden Dollar, beschwerte sich über Todesfälle bei Arbeitern, die seine Zeit in Anspruch nahmen

Neom, Manager des nachhaltigen Paradieses im Wert von 500 Milliarden Dollar, beschwerte sich über Todesfälle bei Arbeitern, die seine Zeit in Anspruch nahmen

  1. The bullet points:

    * Noem is an urban area with visionary promises of sustainable development, clean energy, and plentiful economic opportunity
    * This is the world’s biggest construction project, and is set to open in 2039
    * Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has thrown his weight behind the gargantuan luxury hub and likened it to the pyramids
    * During an emergency meeting following the tragic deaths of three workers constructing the mega-city, Wayne Borg, a former news executive hired to run Neom’s media division, said: “A whole bunch of people die so we’ve got to have a meeting on a Sunday night,” reportedly complaining.
    * Borg also reportedly said the project’s blue-collar workers from the region were “f—ing morons” and “that is why white people are at the top of the pecking order.” 

  2. I love that a guy with the cartoonishly evil sounding name “Wayne Borg” is also cartoonishly evil.

  3. Not surprising

    Someone should be held accountable for the deaths

    I first came across Neom when I found some of their architecture ideas on YouTube, the mocks are impressive and very sci fi, essentially just architecture p.orn for enthusiasts

    But in real life, you know some of these ideas are unattainable and will cost some human lives and too much money

    Even if they are successfully built, the patrons will be the ultra rich and not for plebs like us

  4. To call it a “sustainable paradise” when it is anything but yet is giving them a lot more credibility than they deserve. 

    The whole thing is a giant waste of money and an excuse for architects and designers to drain the royal coffers and move on. It’s always been a marketing stunt. 

  5. >The *WSJ* reported that Borg also said the project’s blue-collar workers from the region were “f—ing morons” and “that is why white people are at the top of the pecking order.” 

    Kinda burying the lede there imo.

  6. I’m convinced all these Rich assholes are sociopaths.

    Mark Cuban is the exception to the rule.

  7. It is shocking they don’t care about worker deaths on the land where they executed people for resisting seizure of their homes.

  8. Welcome to working for the Saudis and Emirs.

    PS, now someone will accuse me of racism… for a comment based on my personal decade of experience and the reason I turn down jobs in the region.

    They treat everyone not rich like dirt, they’re racist as fuck, keep laborers from developing countries like slaves, and enjoy things like banging 13 year old boys.

    For fucks sake they chopped up a journalist at an embassy!

    Why do expect humanity from these people?

  9. Didn’t expect work stuff to pop up on Reddit. Who else here is/was involved in this project?

  10. These are purely my ideas and not those of my current or former clients:

    * Theres a racial hierarchy in the Gulf, Arabs are in charge, white people are trusted experts, Indian/filipino people do the plumbing and the cleaning, that’s just how it is, we can slowly persuade but not change it overnight;

    * Densification is Good, actually, denser cities would allow us to offer better opportunities and better public services with lower burdens &c;

    * OK, to many Westerners NEOM looks like a stupid idea in terms of climate but that’s because it’s in Arabia, once we pass the assumption that “*The sheikh has given you a blank cheque to build a city in a hot dry place*”, it’s not that bad, imagine Dubai or Phoenix if they had slightly more central planning instead of random sprawl;

    * I bid for some work on a related project but Riyadh said no, I’m not bitter

  11. Paraphrased from *Braveheart*:
    “But, sire, won’t we kill our own men?”
    “Ye-ess… but you have reserves, don’t you?”

  12. Just like everything grand out there, it’s all built with expendable (to them) slave labor. This massive piece of shit goes on to say: 

    Wayne Borg, a former Fox Corp executive, reportedly described Neom’s blue-collar workers from the Indian subcontinent as “f—ing morons” and said “that is why white people are at the top of the pecking order.”

    Fuck this motherfucker. 

  13. When Billionaires set out to build a “paradise” of any kind, you better believe it’s a paradise for them only.

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