Ukrainian Volunteers encountered a Russian soldier during an evacuation of civilians Donetsk region

Ukrainian Volunteers encountered a Russian soldier during an evacuation of civilians Donetsk region

by SpookyKiddo2

  1. What an opportunity for the Russian, if he’d just jump in the car and surrender he’d have a whole life ahead of him on the good side of history.

  2. Translation:

    Get out of the car… He is coming here… The Russian… Quiet, he is almost here… There he is, coming towards us… Come over here…

    What’s all the movement here?

    Evacuation volunteers!

    Where are you from? What are you doing?

    From Pokrovsk, we are the evacuation crew! We are taking the people out!

    Where are they?

    Here, in the basement…

    Who are they?


    Stop, come here! Give me your phones!

    Look at them, they are civilians! We are taking them out!

    Load them up fast and fuck off!

    You got it! Let’s go! Faster, let’s move out!

    Are there more people left?

    There are three civilians over there!

  3. a really really Happy Ending would be the Ru soldier defected and gave up the posiitions of all his commanders and approximate location of any senior officers he might know of 🙂
    happy that the civilians seem to have run into a somewhat decent guy. hard to say why this guy is fighting without more background, he could very well be someone forced to fight in this war or has relatives from Ukraine or something.

  4. Good life after yeah right. I bet he would eventually get sent back in prisoner exchange and once the rusks interrogate him and find out he voluntarily gave up. It will be 1 of 3 things labor camp in Siberia, life in jail or death. If you’re a soldier even conscripted you are supposed to fight to the death. No mercy in war even for your own.

  5. Too bad they didn’t have an AK in that van. One quick shot could have made the world a slightly better place

  6. We don’t know what kind of person this Russian was so I don’t hope anything for them, but today they did something good. And it’s the small acts that count today for a better tomorrow.

  7. did we just see the one russian that has a bit of morale left in his bones? im sure both sides wont forget this encounter.

  8. While I think these volunteers are doing an important and needed job, I don’t at understand why he would be wearing camo looking clothing and equipment in the process. Surely that would only increase the chance of him being misidentified as part of the military, dispite the uniform not being a proper army issued one.

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