Russia sees lowest birth rate in 25 years: June births fall below 100,000. Russian deaths in Ukraine a contributing factor

Russia sees lowest birth rate in 25 years: June births fall below 100,000. Russian deaths in Ukraine a contributing factor

by jonfla

  1. This is a good thing. Russian people, as individuals, can be truly remarkable people. However, in my opinion, you are judged upon the tyrannical authority in which enacts genocide upon your neighbors.

    You will reap what you sow.


  2. Sounds like a problem.

    Anyway, time for mobilization! Bring a rifle and a few bullets and report to the front, moblik. Make sure to impregnate someone first so you have reinforcements.

    Too dark?

  3. So I saw a shooting star the other night & the only wish I could think of was a world with less Russians. Thank you star ❤️

  4. That still too many births but then again not surprised since most of them do not care or encourage their genocide in Ukraine.

  5. So approximately 1667 boys born per day, and losses of about 1200 per day just in this war, on top of their other loss rates from death and emmigration…

  6. You need men to make babies. 500,000 men are dead or seriously wounded in Ukraine, over a million left to avoid being drafted, and a whole pile more are in the army.

    Even if the war ended immediately and the men teleported home, it would take time for them to form relationships, get her pregnant, and bring a baby to term, so Russia’s birthrate is going to be low for some time to come. Personally, I think Russia is in really serious trouble.

  7. Their demographics were ficked before the war, even worse now. The only problem is Ukraines is even worse.

  8. Logistically I understand why this is happening. And no, I’m not complaining.

    BUT I HAVE A QUESTION – what on Earth happened in 1999/etc that the birth rate was even lower? Or if the rate then was due to increasing individual autonomy and prosperity (a known correlation to birth rates), what changed to drive the birth rates back up?

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