Massachusetts man buys $395,000 house despite warnings it will ‘fall into ocean’ | Massachusetts

Massachusetts man buys $395,000 house despite warnings it will ‘fall into ocean’ | Massachusetts

by GeraldKutney

  1. Thats because the governement will pay for it if it does. Its a big reason why beach houses went from tiny seasonal cottages to massive houses.

  2. Better than paying rent and probably a tax deduction when it does fall into the ocean. I can’t imagine him being bailed out by the government, but what do I know how idiotic things are. I bet he doesn’t sleep too well during storms, though.

  3. Dude’s 59, so yeah it’s a gamble. It’s possible that it’ll last until he heads for a nursing home. Biggest issue is that it’s $400k plus any money he puts into the house that he’ll never recover because I really doubt he’ll be able to sell it to someone else, either practically or legally.

    I wonder how much life the roof and furnace have left in them?

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