Neutral Switzerland dips its toe in European military activities. The Swiss government has decided to participate in military projects of the European Union. What does this mean for the country’s neutrality?

Neutral Switzerland dips its toe in European military activities. The Swiss government has decided to participate in military projects of the European Union. What does this mean for the country’s neutrality?

by EUstrongerthanUS

  1. Isn’t the companies now decided to produce ammunition in Germany instead of Switzerland because of the crazy government interpretation of the constitution of it?

  2. A bit of circus after facing the reality of being excluded from NATO weapons purchases as an unreliable supplier.

  3. So, Germany relocating their arms manufacturing back to Germany so they don’t have to be held hostage by the insane Swiss criminal cartel may have something to do with this?

  4. One does not preclude the other. After all just because they’re neutral it doesn’t mean they haven’t been armed to the teeth this whole time. Participating in defense exercises also doesn’t mean they’ll support a conflict with their own troops. It just means that they’ll still try to remain neutral but are always ready in the off chance they’re not given a choice.

  5. Switzerland trying to find the sweet spot between selling weapons to NATO countries, managing finances for NATO enemies, and not helping when it’s actually needed.

    Seems legit.

  6. Swiss neutrality came about in a time of european division and conflict. Today we are no longer in the 19th century, It should realistically pick Absolute neutrality or none

  7. It means that they understood that their neutrality will lead their military technology to be obsolete within few years if they continue to remain neutral like zombies 🤷‍♂️

  8. Also i will not call it the law of neutrality… i will call it the law of “taking advantage of other countries passively” 🤦‍♂️🙃

  9. The Swiss have proven themselves unreliable partners that interefere with our freedom of deciding where we send our own weapons we bought and paid for.

    Allowing them to be involved in anything at all is suicidally stupid.

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