i probably sound stupid but assuming her hair weighed 100 grams, could she have qualified if she shaved her head?

i probably sound stupid but assuming her hair weighed 100 grams, could she have qualified if she shaved her head?

Posted by nuthree

  1. Great question. Plus Tragedy is a bit of an overstatement considering these very clear rules are established well in advance. Don’t we disqualify for the same quantity of PEDs.

  2. There’s no way that little hair weights 100 grams.

    Even a full head of long hair would weigh lke 20 grams max.

  3. If you’re at a point where hair is the difference between making weight or not, you’re probably not in the right weight category to begin with.

    Edit: It also seems like the main reason she went into the category she was in, was only because another wrestler had already qualified for her usual category so she went for the category below it.

  4. She did shave her hair, they also drew blood, her weight cut was so bad she went to the hospital.

    Also the GOLD medal wasn’t guaranteed, its A medal.

  5. Yes, you can shave your head. I’ve never seen a female boxer shave her head to make a weigh in but I have seen them cut a pony tail off literally at the scale to make weight. They’ll even have a curtain put up around the scale and remove their clothes, sometimes getting completely naked, just to make weight.

    There’s also two weigh ins before you fail completely. Boxers/fighters will go force themselves to vomit, have some dodgy technician draw their blood, take diuretics and empty their entire digestive track, go into saunas or do things to make themselves sweat as much as possible….

    It’s brutal but thats the world of boxing and martial arts. I don’t feel sorry for this woman at all either. She trained too hard, pushed it to the edge and she paid the price. Being above your weight class is dangerous for the other athletes so no sympathy from me, should’ve toned down the training. Being above your weight class in boxing is no different than using PEDs in other events.

  6. I know it’s a terrible situation but those speaking out on how they should have just allowed it do not follow combat sports. The limit cannot be exceeded under any circumstances.

    For example, if a fighter misses weight for a title fight in mma or boxing, their opponent can either decline or accept the fight while getting a percentage of their opponent’s purse. Lastly, the fighter that misses weight is not qualified to win the belt.

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