Harris Exposed How Easy Trump Is to Manipulate. Dictators Have Known This for a Long Time.

Harris Exposed How Easy Trump Is to Manipulate. Dictators Have Known This for a Long Time.


Posted by BiggsIDarklighter

  1. It really makes you wonder what happened during that 2 hour Helsinki meeting with Putin (it was supposed to be 1.5, but it went longer than expected) behind closed doors, with only translators in the room. 

  2. My question is mainly are Vance and Trump talking about eating your pets because they’re trying to fix that childless cat lady thing.

  3. Thing is it’s not just dictators. We see the same thing with lawyers, d-list celebrities and wannabe politicians. They publicly praise Trump and he takes them into his confidence. Want a job in his administration get on TV or the internet and heap praise on him.

  4. Donald Trump has a very big and very fragile and insecure ego. Today I was watching whatever Trump documentary onNetflix and it was at the 2011 correspondence dinner when Obama was giving his speech and ribbing Donald Trump about the whole birth certificate crap that Trump conjured up. It was in that moment. Trump decided to run for president because he was pissed off and embarrassed. Others have said he’s an incredibly insecure person which makes sense. He would make his own children fight each other for his attention. Kamala Harris understood the assignment and knows his weakness and went right at it and she did so gracefully and with composure which further drove his maniac nuts internally.

  5. Called out, to his face, in front of a massive audience, mocked and beaten by a black woman. trump must be *seething* and I love that for him.

  6. The world laughed at Waddles during his flabby reign of ineptitude and sloth, and it continues to laugh at him today. No world leaders respect or fear Donald Trump. They don’t see him as an equal, or a peer, or even as a worthy foe. They see him as he really is, an ill-informed, intellectually bereft carny barker who can’t be trusted and is always looking to line his own pockets. He’s the embodiment of the crass, arrogant, American slob, who embarrasses himself and everyone else everywhere he goes.

  7. Trump has been manipulating people for decades. He got owned last night, and he’s not liking it. He looked like a frustrated, angry, pathetic old fart that pulls facts out of his doughy old ass. The Haitians eating dogs thing was especially ridiculous. Americans better think twice, and thrice, before voting for this demented old goat.

  8. Ive always said that Putin and others would just wind him up nd let him go and expose secrets. Easy.

  9. Well, Trump got his dog/cat/Haitian immigrant BS from the telly, or so he claimed..

    Now we know why he never attended security meetings..he was too busy getting his intelligence watching Russia Today…thoroughly fact- checked by Putin, of course!

  10. She fucking dog walked him.

    Answered whatever she was asked for the first 80% of her time, and then dropped a carrot, manipulating this dipshit into going on a tangent over whatever she said last.

    This is why he isn’t allowed to testify in his FELONY trials.

  11. Trump is spinning..the one thing the Obamas and Harris, all black, and all from middle-class background, have in spades is CLASS, and he’s the fat obnoxious slobby spoiled rich brat!

  12. Just imagine how Putin manipulated Trump in that room in Helsinki, and you are getting warm.

  13. The reality is that Trump never should have made it this far in the first place. He’s so deeply full of shit on every conceivable level it’s beyond comprehension why people would even consider voting for the piece of shit.

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