German Foreign Office trolling Trump.

German Foreign Office trolling Trump.

Posted by JulietAlfaTango

  1. This is the problem when Trump tells specific lies about specific people or countries.

    They tend to correct the record.

  2. I’m surprised he didn’t know that, after admitting yet again that he continues to violate the Logan Act by talking to other world leaders to influence American policy while not authorized.

  3. He actually said last night that world leaders talk to him often “and I know many of them” or something like that. Zero world leaders are coming to him and talking to him. He has no friends. His family can barely stand being around him. What a pathetic person.

  4. Shutting down nuclear power isn’t the flex they think it is. They could easily be completely coal-free by 2030 or sooner if they hadn’t completely fucked that up for no reason.

    Every year one coal plant stays operating, it kills more people than all of Germany’s nuclear power plants have for their entire combined operating histories.

  5. I’ve said it a hundred times and I’ll say it a hundred more times:

    HOW does that man have support higher than the single digits?

  6. Germany’s aversion to Nuclear Energy has never made sense. They are supposed to have the best engineers in the world you would think they would have a preference for the most efficient energy system based on the math alone.

  7. Even in Alberta, where we’re dragging our feet as hard as possible to help out our beloved oil corporations, the last coal-fired power plant was shut down in June. It’s being refitted so it can burn natural gas.

    What I’m getting at is, I’m kind of shocked that our coal phase-out is faster than…any place in Europe.

  8. Well someone needs to start eating because it’s raining cats and dogs! Literally!

    (I am scarred for life)

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