[OC] Word Usage Analysis – U.S. Presidential Debate, 10 September 2024 (Power BI) (https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/presidential-debate-philadelphia-pennsylvania)

[OC] Word Usage Analysis – U.S. Presidential Debate, 10 September 2024 (Power BI) (https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/presidential-debate-philadelphia-pennsylvania)

Posted by jm420a

  1. The numbers at the top are clear but I’m wondering whether you’re seeing anything in particular jump out from the word treemap.

  2. This is a nice looking dashboard and I like what you did here. I do think the treemaps could be replaced with a better visual (probably some horizontal bar charts) so we can see the full words. I also think you may want to remove stop words like “it’s” from your token list to show some more unique and specific words used by the candidates

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