If its illegal then you cant call yourself western europe

If its illegal then you cant call yourself western europe

by TheHessianHussar

  1. Just because you want to marry your sister-daughter in real life does not mean you should do it in incest simulator Crusader Kings 3.

  2. Some clarifications needed.

    It’s legal for minors if BOTH are minors but this is because minors can’t be convicted of statutory rape. Which makes sense – if someone is too young to consent, they can’t be old enough to be convicted of rape…

    Same-sex siblings exception is based on the fact it doesn’t have a chance of bringing a genetically deformed baby into the world. It’s disgusting but it doesn’t harm any non-consenting party, so it’s harder to argue the government should chuck people in prison for it.

    > if it does not provoke public scandal

    Wtf Italy.

  3. What the fuck is going on in Germany? That’s horrible. That’s nearly the worst possible legal stance.

  4. This map is wrong and that’s being pointed out every time it comes up. For example. In Sweden it’s legal to have sex with same sex siblings of age, and with opposite sex half-siblings of age.

    I am thus allowed to have sex with both my (half) sisters and my twin brother.

  5. Island “No data” …. suuuuure! Don’t you guys have some kind of dating app to not fuck your own cousin?

  6. I researched german laws and it is only illegal, if it is vaginal, meaning that in the case of the same sex it is impossible and for minors it is still illegal but not punishable.

  7. Well, it’s legal because no one cares and there’s no reason to change the law. They only have to make it illegal where people have no common sense and there needs to be a law to stop them from doing it. And in that map, it’s legal everywhere except for green.

  8. Everything is legal until there’s a law made against it. And laws are only made if it’s common or high profile enough to ban. Don’t ask yourself why it’s legal in some countries, ask how commonplace it was before others banned it.

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