The Invisible Battle of Semiconductors in Global Geopolitics

The Invisible Battle of Semiconductors in Global Geopolitics

The Invisible Battle of Semiconductors in Global Geopolitics

Posted by Purple_Dig_9148

  1. Semiconductors have become a key focus in global politics because they are crucial for technology and national security. Countries are vying to control semiconductor production to gain a technological edge and protect their military systems. Geopolitical tensions arise as major players, like the U.S., China, and Taiwan, compete for dominance in this critical industry. Disputes over semiconductor supply chains can impact global trade and security.

  2. From 1990 to 2021, the US remained stagnant in Semiconductor Manufacturing.

    Currently, more Semiconductor Manufacturing plants are being built. It took a pandemic to wake us up.

    The problem we are facing is the lack of qualified workers for these newly built plants.

    Since the US is behind the power curve of a qualified work force, most manufacturing plants rely on qualified workers abroad.

    It’s suggested that will take at least a decade to create a workforce big enough to compete with other countries.

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