Herculean European Labours

Herculean European Labours

by Strong-Clothes4993

  1. When in the frozen hell did we become “Carl”? The least danish name?

    I can accept Mads, Lars or Søren

  2. Denmark isn’t “Carl” but “Lars” but yeah, good luck trying to bond them with Swedes lmao

  3. There’s a simple way to get half of Scottish football fans to root for England: get them to play Rangers.

    Then when you want to the other half just put them up against Celtic and for an extra bonus watch the fireworks start over in angry Ireland

  4. What? we know how to cook nice dishes
    Step one. Get a fish
    Step two. Rinse it in bleach
    Step three. Bury it in your back yard
    Step four. Dig it up a year later
    It’s now ready to eat

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