TIFF Rejects Calls to Cancel ‘Russians at War’ Claiming Film Is Not Russian Propaganda

TIFF Rejects Calls to Cancel ‘Russians at War’ Claiming Film Is Not Russian Propaganda

by UNITED24Media

  1. This is an absolute disgrace. As someone who worked in film journalism for many years, TIFF used to be one of the most important film festivals in North America. The fact that they can now amplify and showcase literal propaganda like this, knowing what we all know about what is really going on in Ukraine, it is downright shameful.

    I can only hope that the people of Hollywood actually respond to this with the criticism and backlash that it deserves. Hollywood has been so proactive on matters of sexual misconduct, racism, and representation. Will they take a stand against the whitewashing of terrorism and war crimes?

  2. More like “Nazis at War”. Fuck anyone who gives this piece of shit propaganda attempt the time of day. TIFF has no integrity.

  3. There are probably plenty of Canadians willing to make the movie screen unusable at the event.

  4. Would be great to have their projectors destroyed so they wouldn’t be able to show it at all. Terrorist supporters support the same treatment as terrorists themselves.

  5. “Most of her films were made for the RT Documentary channel.”

    It’s nearly impossible to find a link between her and Kremlin propaganda. /s

  6. Pathetic, go ahead and screen the propaganda film but stop being disingenuous and dishonest about what it actually is

  7. Start contacting their major donors and sponsors and complaining.

    Visa and Royal Bank of Canada. Canadian, Ontario and Toronto governments.

  8. Red carpet might be more like red carpet with tomato ketchup or finger painting colors from the Kids.

  9. <β€œOur understanding is that it was made without the knowledge or participation of any Russian government agencies. In our view, in no way should this film be considered Russian propaganda”.

    WTF are they smoking out there in Canada, I wonder. Looks like they’ve simply taken the money and now are just taking the piss.

  10. yes a Russian person making a movie about Russians at War talking about the Russian soldier in the front line is “not propaganda” right…right… the Russian are so full of themself and have been snoring their fart for so long they don’t even understand and realise anymore how urtful and dangerous their idicy is…
    Fuck her and TIFF and fuck ppl against democracy

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