Hungary’s Foreign Minister in Bahrein

Hungary’s Foreign Minister in Bahrein

by Ihavenousernamesadly

  1. Ah yes, Szijjártó. Otherwise a staunch ally of Aleksandar Vučić now actin’ anti-authoritarian or something. I swear, I’ll drink the best wine I got stashed when this hungarian government finally collapses.

  2. In at least some schools of Islamic jurisprudence the formal dress-limit for men is “between the navel and the knees”. Some say that the knees themselves should be included, some don’t. It may be that he falls short of “to the knees”, but it is pretty close. A lenient take could possibly say that he is living up to the formal demands of Islam (although I think he would need a few centimeters more).

  3. Hungary: ‘When you come to our country, you have to adjust to our customs and values!’

    Also Hungary:

  4. I wonder if the foreign minister would wear a t-shirt showing some person having sex with sheep, something on the line of Orban wearing a t-shirt with Hungary expanding it’s border to the coast taking over half of Croatia.

    Probably not.

  5. The problem is that it’s not Petike who will be picked on, but Hungary again…

    I would like to give all Europeans the good news that the difference between the Tisza party (opposition) and Orban’s party is barely 4%, so there is a good chance that Putin’s chiva will finally be replaced.

  6. Wow, wow, what a total doofus. He does look like an American tourist going to the White House for a meeting with the president. This is how all Americans fly everywhere.

  7. Lol. Anywhere else he would be underdressed enough, but in the gulf shorts are even more of a faux pas. Is he trying to deliberately insult them?

  8. He looks more like an illegal refugee. They should deport him 😂
    I bet the way he looks he’s a criminal and not a foreign minister. Send him back 😋

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