Wtf is this?!

Bought a pack of Bananas the other day and came across this monstrosity. Some kind of Zombie Banana

by wiggan1989

  1. Had the same with a banana from Tesco last week.

    It was brown all the way down the middle, but the outer parts looked fine.

    Gave me the shits all afternoon.

  2. Phew for a horrible moment I thought the ducknana had reached the UK. 

    Luckily on opening the post it turns out to just be a toxic zombie banana.

  3. Quick, post it on Facebook to warn people criminals are injecting blood into bananas to infect us all.

  4. I’m confused in how someone cam unwrap something and stick it I’m their mouth without looking 😂😂

  5. After chicken pox came monkey pox, then some say it mutated to our food, no-one knew how the first case of banana pox started but anyone left knew how it ended……..

  6. Complain to the shop. Asda gave me a £10 gift card after I had a banana with the same fungal infection

  7. That’s rabicide exterminalis fungi, basically the fruit version of the rabies virus. It increases the banana’s aggressiveness ten fold. Obviously op is joking with us because if he were to have consumed it the prognosis would not have been good.

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