Barclays banks smashed up and painted red by pro-Palestine mob across UK

Barclays banks smashed up and painted red by pro-Palestine mob across UK
byu/No_Rule5565 inuknews

Posted by No_Rule5565

  1. “Mob”. Genocide happening. Current estimates suggest more than 300,000 dead. Children targeted by snipers in the head. Evidence Netanyahu has faked and staged evidence of supposed hamas attacks, IOF murders it’s own people on Oct 7th, billionaire newspaper owners lying about events on the ground and so much more bs. But it’s those against the genocide who are the mob. What a shitty time we are living in

  2. Unemployed wankers who think a bit of red paint will deter a business worth over £32 billion. Genuinely incredible levels of stupidity.

  3. Idiots think its going to harm the image of the bank and as if the bank cannot clean this shit up for pennis, LOL

  4. Use of the word “mob” to describe people protesting against genocide by painting the building of a bank that is funding the evil government is bonkers.

  5. Barclays investment is purely profit motivated . They invest in numerous activities that others could find offensive. Will a bit of red paint make a difference ? No, of course not. All this type of protest does is alienate the average person because it’s not constructive protest . If people stopped using the banks that invested money in things they disapproved of, maybe they would change how they invested our money.

  6. Should we arrest the suspects and charge them with terrorism offences? Oh, wait, no, we only do that with the far right groups. #twotierpolicing

  7. I think there’s a lot of confusion about how the finance industry works.

    Barclays could have a policy of not investing in Elbit (eg through their own investment funds), but they can’t prevent their clients instructing Barclays to trade in Elbit shares on their behalf for as long as Elbit is listed on the exchange without trade restrictions.

    Barclays will continue to show on the share register, but they are not the investor – their clients are.

    If you want to see what stocks Barclays actively invests in, check out the annual reports of their products – eg funds, pension funds, investment trusts, index / tracker funds.

    Given Elbit isn’t traded on a U.K. stock exchange, there’s actually very little that people can do to prevent it being traded, other than pressuring the government to sanction it. However, given the importance of Elbit products to U.K. armed forces I doubt that would happen. The government could, as they’ve done recently, revoke export licenses on particular parts/systems.

    Sincerely, someone with 6 years experience auditing and working in the FS sector, particularly investment management.

  8. It’s always fun to see people sharing a fascist shitrag like the express.

    It’s the Daily Heil for people that find syllables daunting.

  9. We’ve reached peak boot licker when people are more upset about a banks shop front than kids getting their head blown off.

    Even without the genocide funding… Banks are not your mates. They have a massive annual turn over of tens of billions, they can pay for a cleaner.

    Not to mention Barkleys have a history of funding some not great stuff. From the Nazis In France to Robert Mugabe. Massive fraud, ties with Qatar, tax avoidance, money laundering, market manipulation… It goes on and on.
    And if you fall on hard times, they’ll take your house. No dramas.

    I’m not supporting vandalism, but I don’t care. And I can’t understand why people do.

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