A Billionaire Minimum Tax is Healthy


by sillychillly

  1. I’m all for private wealth capitalism but the concept of a multi billionaire or trillionaire is fucking ridiculous

  2. She should have a meeting with the corporation. The actual corporation, not the board or CEO. Just the corporation. Maybe that would be a learning experience for her sitting in front of a few documents and talking to herself.

  3. she was part of a cabinet that raised capital gains taxes in March that force nurse, firefighters and teachers who own and sell homes to pay more taxes..

  4. If this was true why didn’t it happen with Biden when she was vice president 😂 I think they still think we are fools and will fall for anything. We live in days where action speaks louder than words. Words in politics are just words now a days 🤷🏻‍♂️ but who am I

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