London criminal explains how he steals phones.

London criminal explains how he steals phones.

by diilym1230

  1. With grabbing skills like that perhaps they should join the 4 x 100m relay team!

    Alternatively anyone dressed like that and riding an e-bike should be fair game, arrested on site for going equipped.

  2. common dominator

    pay attention your surroundings. You can see these lads from a mile off. Whenever I’ve seen this live i’ve clocked what was gonna happen a good while before the snatch (or attempted snatch in some cases)

  3. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had to honk my horn at idiots wandering across the road staring at their phones.

    On a bad day they’re gonna lose their phone or end up in an ambulance.

  4. Seen this video before but the thing that gets me is how nonchalantly this guy slows down and just plucks the phone out someone’s hand like “I’ll take that if you don’t mind” then just rides off

  5. I can’t say I wish death upon people regularly, but if these guys happen to get kicked off their bike while trying to snatch a phone and fall under a bus then I won’t be crying for them. Prisons are already full after all…

  6. an immoral degenerate who makes a living of stealing peoples phones: that’s not normal!

    … so, using your phone while crossing the road isn’t normal? but stealing said phone out of an innocent persons hands to sell for your own gain is? right, right. lock him up!

  7. Think of your phone as several £20 notes being held out…then it becomes obvious. Situational awareness is key.

  8. They are also oxygen thieves who deserve to be hit by a big truck. No one would miss them. Yeah, be aware of your surroundings; but you shouldn’t have to be on constant guard because of this scum.

  9. Someone should bait them with people holding dummy phones and have someone else waiting with a baseball bat further up the road. If they get hit they should have more situational awareness.

  10. This guy’s a piece of shit for blaming all his victims for having their phone out. He’s also not wrong that people need to have some self-awareness when out and about, especially the ones crossing the road.

  11. How is it even viable to steal a phone nowadays? To erase it every phone (iphone at least) is going to ask for a passcode, which you won’t have, so it essentially becomes a brick.

  12. When I used to live in London, around 7 years ago, someone tried that whilst I was on the footpath, looking at Google Maps to get to the tube, holding the phone with one hand, but the cunt couldn’t snatch it even though he basically stopped and almost fell off the moped.
    From then on, I’ve had anxiety every time I hear a goddamn moped approaching. Pieces of shit.

  13. To all those saying “use your common sense, don’t have your phone out,” I say it’s easier said than done in modern London. I’ve not had my phone nicked, but I do often have it out for the following reasons:

    – Paying for something (eg tube, coffee from a street stall)
    – Following directions on google maps (especially when I’m in a part of the city I don’t know well)
    – Answering a call (they do still happen, especially when you’re a busy person with job applications/medical issues/home improvement tasks on the go)
    – Texting someone I’m meeting (eg that I’ve arrived, I’m going to be late, checking if they’ve updated me on their travel)
    – Opening up the email invite to whatever location I’m about to go to (eg an e-ticket for a private event when I’m outside the door of the venue)
    – Looking at timetables (eg at a bus stop and there hasn’t been a bus for a while/there’s no for matrix sign with next arrival)
    – Getting an Uber or other cab / checking where your ride is
    – Waiting for your food delivery driver and looking up the code you have to read them

    Those are just some examples off the top of my head. We’re not all playing Candycrush as we walk down the street.

    Getting your phone out is normal/necessary in a modern city. The hindsight brigade can fuck right off if they’re going to say anyone who has their phone nicked was a mug who was asking for it. Stop the thieves, don’t blame the victims.

  14. I feel like some sort of organisation should send out a bunch of people with dummy phones that can be tracked…

  15. “If I want it, it’s mine.” “They’re asking for it”. Entitlement is vehicle of sociopathic human bahviour. Always has been. Even the desperate will refrain if they don’t feel entitled to act.

  16. My question is, whats the resale on a phone that’ll inevitably be blocked, must be pretty easy to get em back to factory settings and are they circulated locally or end up elsewhere in the world?

  17. So you take a phone. Surely most people have security on there phone. What use is a phone you can’t use.

  18. This is how I got my phone stolen. Was close to my body and in grip but I ain’t slamming the pavement with the running bike. Police told me if the crime is not happening right now (well obviously lmao I could still see him circling in the distance at Tottenham court road) then to report it at the station or online. I got to the station and there were about 5 other people that had their phones snatched by the same person. All they had to do is to send some undercover police officers there and bait him or even a normal police car just to scare him away. But no. And then you redditors saying that the Mets are working their asses off. I don’t see it. What I see is scandal after scandal. Raping women that are walking back home alone, homophobic and racists slurs in their WhatsApp group, taking pictures of dead bodies and sharing it with their besties.

  19. Immediate 20 year sentence, no early release. After a few sting operations, this problem will self correct.

  20. Accept your phone is going to get stolen and think about what you have on it, the convenience is their value to them it’s like walking around with your bank card in the air with its PIN number written on it – Google it there are some steps you can take like using Screentime passcodes for things like account changes but don’t need all your banking apps on it etc etc

  21. The thing is, it’s always a small amount of people who commit the majority of crimes.

    But seems to be police are not carrying out any sort of intelligence work that establishes who that is and target them.

    They either say they can’t do anything, or do some sort of patrols for show, which is ineffective.

    Reminds me of football hooliganism years ago, the police didn’t know how to respond, and there were riots all over the place until they finally figured out what they needed to do, and that it is always the same people involved.

  22. I try to believe all criminals have been let down by society, but I hope this guy is knocked off his bike and left to rot in the street 

  23. While phone thieves obviously need slow roasting over hot coals and it must be awful for the victims, it is actually a statistically very small risk, some of those video clips are over a decade old!

    Even in the worst parts of London (busy west-end streets) it’s still a one in many thousands risk level.

  24. I had my phone snatched just like that while I was on the phone with my dying boyfriend. Sometimes they’re snatching more than phones.
    I don’t wish bad things on a lot of people, but scum like that are an exception.

  25. I came up with a thought recently. Start fashioning explosive devices that are rectangular and flat and hold them at bus stops or crossings to intentionally get snatched. Then just detonate them as soon as they snatch it.

    Solves a lot of problems, that.

  26. Tbh they aren’t going fast enough after they grab the phone I’d ripped the guy off the bike by his neck if I had the chance. Especially now I’ve seen how they operate I’d probably have been in shock before now if it had happened I’d have still likely have instantly sprinted after them as fast as I could and tbh in some of these videos I’m pretty sure I’d have caught them.

  27. Fuck these guys, but the silver lining i guess is people are less glued to there phones when out and about

  28. what would happen if you had a bait phone in one hand and a hammer in the other and just gave them a love tap when they came by to steal it? apart from the potential threat of a knife i guess…

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