Visited Chester Zoo for the first time recently, I highly recommend it

Visited Chester Zoo for the first time recently, I highly recommend it

by Kdd022094

  1. How’d you manage to get a picture of the bear? Every time I’ve been they’ve been out of sight. To a point that I started telling the family it was an invisible bear

  2. I was about to say “Where are the Red Pandas?”. But photo 9 is there. Nice. Lovely photos. We travelled there just because our son wanted to see them! 🙂

  3. Some zoos are a bit sketchy, but I’m a big fan of Chester right back to school trips there back in the day. Expensive for a family but you will spend all day there and see absolutely loads, and it has a good reputation for looking after the animals properly.

  4. That lion kinda looks like my dad when weatherspoons ran out of ruddles at half two on a tuesday

  5. Would love to go, but it’s about 4 hours away. Would it be a decent place to spend a weekend?

  6. I go every year with the family. Absolutely love it. Grew up on the Wirral so not far. We live a couple of hours away now but still go as the kids love it. Great pictures!

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